Friday, November 28, 2014

New Blog!

Hello guys,

I have migrated to a new site because this one was getting to messy with the assortment of posts with very contrasting target audiences.

With the new blog, I hope to reach a more general audience who's interested in robotics and design, specifically in Singapore, as well as education over here (while I'm still in the system).

So here's the first post:

Thanks for coming by, this will most probably be my last post here!


Sunday, November 16, 2014


Hi readers!

I had no idea people still read this blog considering I haven't exactly posted anything in over 2 years :/ in any case, I am currently taking my A Levels and will definitely be doing more posts (that are more legit, now that I'm 2 years older). Anyway, I'm considering moving to a new domain and I'll post if I actually do!

Thanks for dropping by :)