Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Back to blogging

Hey guys! Sorry about the long wait for the FLL updates. Was feeling very tired yesterday and it is pretty much the same today although I will just make an effort to post since it is too early to be sleeping. Essentially, I did another rebuild, which is just so characteristic of me. Here are some photos since I did bring my camera to the lab.

Wow I have finally finished uploading the photos after such a long time. This thing has taken much time to build and much effort thinking of how to charge and change the battery so the programming progress is slow. However, the bone bridge is complete as well as the syringe. The bone is now aligned but the cast is not applied yet because I am doing the pacemaker and patch first. Unfortunately, that is still under works so once the first part is complete, I'll upload the videos. Thanks guys and I would really appreciate if you would share your ideas with me.

Also, somewhere along the time when I was missing in action online, this blog has reached a 100 visitors. Excellent stuff there and thanks so much for supporting me.

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