Sunday, February 20, 2011

K Desktop

Hey everyone. Did a wallpaper again because I'm running out of ideas for UIs. This may be simple but looks really good when you actually set it as your wallpaper. Will be updating soon!

*update: 300 page views

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Heart Vacancy Wallpaper

Sorry for the lack of Photoshop works recently due to my busy schedule. Didn't really have much time to do anything today either but I managed to do a really simple but high-impact (in my opinion) wallpaper. Really like the songs The Wanted have done recently so I decided to base my creation of one of their really nice songs which you can view here: I don't really have much time to post much but ahead of tomorrow, Happy valentines!

Friday, February 11, 2011

11th February 2011


Wow, so busy that I haven't had much time to update my blog.

Ok, RE first. I didn't get my 3.5k! Had to make do with 3k for the basic costs. So far, the spending has been under 2k but that's probably because we haven't actually done anything. The rough spending breakdown is listed here:

2x$390, X1-RCU
4x$125 Motor Drivers
2x$10 Power Splitter
2x$100 IR ball
6x$20 Sheet metal

Thats about all I can remember, totaling up to $1600. I have this feeling that this RE project will be holding the record for some time for the largest amount spent in the shortest time. As for the progress, it has been going along quite well actually, with one base more or less cut into shape. We are still checking out how we can cut 90 degree bends though, and hopefully we can find somewhere that we can borrow a laser cutter for a low cost. Will try to get some pictures soon, since I have finally made the effort to dig out my camera charger.

I don't remember posting about FLL too. The results were actually better than expected, with all teams getting an award from our school. My team won the gracious professionalism award which was completely unexpected. We are even on consideration to represent Singapore during the World Festival along with the winning team (4 members), another guy from another team from our school, and one more unknown person. IF we get into the finals though, there would be another problem- the US trip is days before the mid-year exams. Considering some time for jet lag and the long hours preparing for the competition (apart from the extremely high cost, rumored to be 4k), we are kind of dead for our exams. Nice to know that they think highly of us though, so I'll update back once I get confirmation.

Oh and this was probably one of my most occupied Chinese New Year. Since we had Singapore Math Project Festival (SMPF) presentations to complete, we were required back in school for additional practice lasting about 9 hours. The starting expectations given when we signed up for this competition was that we would just have to brush up on out presentations and report submitted for our research education project last year but we were wrong. We were forced to do a massive overhaul. But over time, it just got better and when the going got smoother, our spirits rose-a little. Its almost perfect now, and it should be, since our presentation is tomorrow.

Just when I thought I could relax for the rest of the Chinese New Year, I realized that I had to do the class shirt! I got that done in under an hour though. Although I don't really have much experience in designing shirts, I did 3. Not really of the highest quality though, as you can see here: , ,

And just today, there was merit trial which was more or less boring. I got to meet some guys from Nanyang though and I think that really increased our chances of getting something for Robocup next year. The few photos that I took will be going up on Facebook soon so I'll post the link to the album here. Be sure to check back soon!

Will continue posting if I have updates/ realised I missed out on something but for now, bye!
*hit count: 260+ (so slow, need to update more frequently)