Wednesday, September 7, 2011

[NJRC 2011] Award

Hey guys! In case you haven't already heard, we won a presentation award for NJRC!

Hi ,

Congrats !

We are pleased to inform you that the following team have won an presentation award for NJRC 2011 :

Raffles Institution
Raffles Team 4

The award ceremony will be held on 9th September 2011 .
Reporting time will be at 12:00NOON at Annexe Foyer .

Do note that lunch is provided for all award winner .

Should there be any queries , I can be contacted at 90188479.
Thank you.

Best Regards ,

But they wouldn't tell us what award it is:

Hi Kenneth ,

We will not reveal what presentation awards the team has won . You will only get to know on that day.

Thank you.

Best Regards ,

In any case, an award is an award and we were only shortlisted for Best Research and Best Mechanical Design so I guess we will be happy with any one of the two!

Also, we had our research education semi finals on Monday and it went rather well. The judges were definitely impressed that out robots could move but mentioned that we needed to speak slower. But I think we did a good job considering we had to condense a 50+ page report into a 10 minute presentation. Moving on, I hope we can get to the congress and show off what second in the world is!

We will be meeting at 7:45 am on Monday so see you there! Thanks for dropping by!

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