Monday, September 12, 2011

[NJRC 2011] Conclusion

It is not the result, but the process that matters. This statement neatly encapsulates what I feel about NJRC this year. Although we did not meet our expectations when we first came in, we knew that NXT was never our strong point as we are unable to harness the full power of robotics. However, we still pressed on and attained the 3rd position for the Best Research Award. The highlight of the competition would have to be designing a workable omni wheel out of NXT 9797 parts. We have tried and failed many times in the past and this time proved to be the breakthrough. So here are some pictures! Enjoy!
 This picture was used to show that our robot was able to balance comfortably, even on this highest step.
 This picture was used to demonstrate the extremely low clearance, giving us a low centre of gravity and allowing us to have excellent balance.
 This would be the back of the 5 medals: 1 for each member and 1 for the school.
 This shows the position of the egg holder when the robot mounts the step. It decreases the chance of the egg falling out as it is positioned parallel to the ground.
 This is the front of the medal, showing this year's theme, domestic bots. The gold medal colouration was done using HTC's sepia filter.
 This is the engraving on the back of the medal, showing that we have attained third for the best research award.

Below are some other pictures of the robot as well as the medals:

So this will be my last year participating in the secondary category of NJRC. Hopefully, the cumulative experience gathered over the years will give us an advantage in the JC section next year. I'll be back.

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