Friday, November 25, 2011

[Announcement] Robocup Selection

Hi Guys,

The selection for the most prestigious competition in robotics is up again and we will be selecting the best builders, programmers, logicians and others with general talents we find useful.

With such a huge pool of talent, it is difficult to select the best guys to represent our school and perhaps our country. As such we exposed those who wanted to learn more about the competition during the camp. However, those who did not attend will still be able to attain a manual of all that was taught in the camp by emailing me at Those who have attended the camp but still want some notes to reinforce your memory, please also contact the above email address asking for the materials.

A truly good robotician can not only build and program but also come up with new ideas to ensure that we stay ahead of the competition. As such, all who are interested in being part of the team next year, please come up with a new algorithm that will improve our chances of winning. The format of submission is as follows:

1) Reason for implementation (Current algo too slow? Better accuracy? Lacking in this year''s program?)
2) Logic
3) Possible Problems
4) Pseudo-code

If you think that a current subroutine is inadequate, you could also improve on it. It does not matter if it is a big change as any change can make a difference. Please send this to

Here is the tentative team arrangement:
Category A Lightweight: Kenneth Chow, Vishnu R Menon, Slot 1, Slot 2
Category A Open: Kenneth Chow, Huang Ze Fan, Shen Chen, Slot 3
Category B Open: Kenneth Chow, Tan Wei Ren, Shen Chen, Slot 4, Slot 5
As you can see, there are currently 5 slots available and we could even be opening 1 more slot per team should we have too much talent.\n\nIn conclusion, we would like to check out your skills as soon as possible so that we can start working. Do note that you will be overworked and underpaid (Up to 84 hours a week, paid $0.00 [any currency will do])

Kenneth Chow


  1. Reno: what do you mean by possible problems and pseudo-code for the selection submission?

    Possible problems refer to the loopholes that might be present in your code such as processing time or reaction time.

    Pseudo code is writing the code out but in plain text.

    For example:
    if ultrasound is more that 10, move right
    otherwise, move left

  2. Hi guys,

    In addition to the subroutines that were included in the document, we have a few of them that are already in the beta stages and are undergoing testing.

    They are:
    1) Sensor error compensation system
    2) Opponent detection system
    3) Smart position auto correct system (Cat B)


  3. Hi guys,

    Just a reminder, the deadline is on 30th December 2011.

    Also another thing, there is already the dead ball subroutine.


  4. Kenneth, do we have to send you a program also? And yea' for FTC, sorry I haven't been attending practices, my back was sore for 2 days after that dya that I went to science center.

  5. Can you put a download link for RoboEXP and also the Hardware info??

  6. I don't think so. Pseudo-Code means you just write out the programme in words. Refer to above post.

  7. Hi guys,

    @Chan Wai: Nope, don't have to send me program, just pseudo code will do. As for FTC, the competition is tomorrow so try to be there.

    @Tian Yi: RoboExp is not a free software. That is why I am asking you guys to pseudo code. Just type it out into an email or word document and send it to me.


  8. what does logic refer to?

  9. Hi guys,

    @Daryl Example of logic:

    Using ultrasound values and the constant length and width of the field, we can determine our position.

    BTW, just a clarification, there is a typo above. The deadline is today. This is no excuse for not submitting as I have already informed you guys during the camp.


  10. Hi guys, take note of the new post. Thanks.

  11. Kenneth, did you receive mine?

  12. Is putting Psoudo-code in pictoral form accepted? Or must Pseudo-Code be in words??
