Wednesday, December 14, 2011

[Photos] Nikon S1000PJ

Hi guys! I'm back to Singapore and my blog! Just thought I would share some pictures taken with my compact digital camera!
 Taken at Changi Airport! Good lighting + Close proximity = Easy shot
 Taken from the 21st Floor of a hotel in China! Zoomed 25x but it is still relatively clear!
 Taken from the ground floor kilometers away! Yet another shot on 25x zoom!
 This shot was difficult due to wind conditions. However, the shake compensation did its job and allowed this photo to be taken at 25x zoom!
 Although the camera does not do particularly well when it comes to night shots, I managed to get a decent picture with a 1 second exposure time. In fact, the environment was much darker than what is displayed in this picture.
 The first macro shot of this post! The reflections off the glass was well captured and details can be seen throughout.

 After realizing that macros were the strong point of this camera, I decided to take a few more with decent results.

 Taken atop a mountain, the water was clearly captured, even at a distance.
 As usual, the zoom did not disappoint. Images were sharp even at the maximum zoom distance.

 An interesting piece of architecture to say the least. This building is tilted sideways.
 Textures were crisp even under low lighting.
 Taken out of the hotel room, this structure is kilometer away. Yet the picture maintains its crispness.
 A nice shot of the camera's casing with textures pronounced.
 The reflective surface of the bean curd glistens in this photo, begging to be eaten.

 Scenery and architecture too turned out well as shot of varying brightness and zoom were beautiful.

 Most of the times, colors were faithfully reproduced although the compensation could not do enough to correct the yellow lighting.

Night photography was good as long as the subject was close. However, the second last picture, which was taken at 25x zoom seemed to lose some of its sharpness.

That said, this compact is good enough for me!

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