Thursday, March 8, 2012

Image Editing in Photoshop

Hi guys,

I'm finally back! This post will be dedicated to showing that photos with low megapixel counts can still look great through the wonders of Photoshop!

Original photo: This photo was rather boring due to the lack of sharp contrasts and rather simple composition. Hence, to remedy this, we could either give it an artistic touch or use more intense colors.

 Artistic photo: This simplifies the colors even more while creating an artistic effect. Note that although a lot of detailing of the background was removed, crucial details such as the branding and "L" indicator are there.
 Intense colors: By intensifying the background, the composition of the picture becomes more balanced due to the emphasis on texture. However, we lose some detailing on the subject to improve composition.
Original Photo: The colors in this photo are extremely muted due to the camera's compensation for background lighting. This causes the image to be dull an unappealing.
 Intense Colors: By intensifying the overall colors of the photos, we achieve the effect of filling up space. The detailing on the coins also become apparent through the increased contrast, making it more visually pleasing.
 Original Photo: This photo is rather neutral on the coloring and it composition is rather decent with most of the space filled. However, the viewer will lack a point to pay attention to. Hence, added blurring is needed.
Edited Photo: Firstly, I removed the shadow on the top of the picture which draws attention away from the subject. Next, I blurred out the surroundings of the brand label to increase the focus there. Finally, the colors were modified slightly for a more intense effect.

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