Friday, September 30, 2011

Mobile App Logo

Hello guys! Haven't really been posting much lately because of the upcoming end-of-year exams. Spent under an hour creating and refining this logo for my friend who is building some tourist guidebook app. Just explaining some basic concepts:

Color Scheme: Red and white, Singapore's national colors
General Shape: Rounded rectangle, fits iPhone theme perfectly
Blending: A few basic effects used, gradient, bevel, emboss used to make logo slightly 3D, solid color would be too plain, shadows to highlight important text
Background: 360 in low transparency, overflowing text gives effect of 360 degrees, all round, Singapore outline in medium transparency, creates visual recognition for app users
Caption: App name, accented first word to give emphasis since the app makes use of image recognition

So that would be the first serious app logo that I am designing. Please leave your comments! Stock files are available upon request. Thanks!

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