Sunday, June 17, 2012

To all the Robocuppers out there

Please join yo! We are trying to get all Robocup Junior Soccer participants in the world in 1 group.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Robocup Nationals 2012

Hi guys,

It has been a while since I have last updated this blog. Also a while since Robocup Nationals. But definitely, it wasn't because we didn't do well. In fact, we did superbly. Here's our track record:

Event name (total number of categories): Achievements
Nationals 2009 (2): Cat A 2nd, Cat B 2nd
Internationals 2010 (2): Cat A Indiv top 12, Cat A Superteam top 12, Cat B Indiv top 20
Nationals 2011 (3): Cat A Light 1st, Cat B unknown
Internationals (3): Cat A Light Indiv 2nd, Cat A light Superteam 2nd
Nationals 2012 (3): Cat A Light 1st, Cat A Open 1st, Cat B Open 1st, Overall 1st

Here are some videos of the journey!
Channel URL:
(hope I didn't miss out any)

That's right, 3 teams, 3 golds, overall champions. This is the absolute quantifiable pinnacle of excellence. Our route to Mexico seemed almost too easy. Resistance was almost negligible in the group stages as we cruised to victory after victory, racking up hundreds of goals in the process while hardly conceding. What we did not expect were the other factors that eventually stopped us from proceeding to represent Singapore in the World Cup of Robotics. In spite of long negotiations with the school, they cited several concerns:

1) Price. Mexico is hardly a cheap destination. Getting there alone will cost over 3k. Eventually, we did come to a consensus that this was OK with us. But the next factor cropped up.
2) Danger: Living in a place as safe as Singapore, Mexico struck fear into the school. Drug rings, gangs, rampant kidnapping. Never mind that it rarely happens in the city itself. The school simply would not move.

Of course, there could be, and probably were other undisclosed reasons but that is not for me to speculate in such a public space.

On another note, organizers of robotics events could do with slightly more mainstream locations. After all, this was not the first time that a trip was called off.

World Robotics Olympiad (Manila): Called of due to high terrorist threats
FIRST Lego League (US): Called off due to natural disaster

However, we are not going to let these freak events set us back. In fact, we have recently displayed our robots running a totally radical and redesigned program. Although they were completely un-tuned at the time of display (I finished the program past 2 the previous day), it was already outperforming the program utilised during the national rounds. Hence, look out for much improved results next year. By nationals next year, expect radical hardware changes. Although nothing is confirmed, I am planning on changing the ball sensors, adding a kicker, dribbler and LDR-based capture zone sensing, as well as dual processor processing. With these much changed in terms of hardware, do expect some new algorithms to fuel the robot's hardware.

Having taken a long break (by my standards) in robotics, NJRC preparations is still in its infancy but do expect me to be out in full force after my final exams. Till then, there are always other blogs to read! :)

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Tilt-Shift Effect Photoshop

Hey guys! 

Recently, I have been experimenting with image editing through Photoshop and have found a way to replicate the tilt shift effect produced by extremely costly DSLR lenses. Here is a sample image taken by myself:

 Original Image
Edited Image

By having a lens blur gradient, we can focus on the target object, blurring out those in the background. This is the basis of a tilt shift lens. To intensify the effect, the contrast of the picture can be edited to give it a more miniature look. This is my first few experiments so it has not been perfected!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Image Editing in Photoshop

Hi guys,

I'm finally back! This post will be dedicated to showing that photos with low megapixel counts can still look great through the wonders of Photoshop!

Original photo: This photo was rather boring due to the lack of sharp contrasts and rather simple composition. Hence, to remedy this, we could either give it an artistic touch or use more intense colors.

 Artistic photo: This simplifies the colors even more while creating an artistic effect. Note that although a lot of detailing of the background was removed, crucial details such as the branding and "L" indicator are there.
 Intense colors: By intensifying the background, the composition of the picture becomes more balanced due to the emphasis on texture. However, we lose some detailing on the subject to improve composition.
Original Photo: The colors in this photo are extremely muted due to the camera's compensation for background lighting. This causes the image to be dull an unappealing.
 Intense Colors: By intensifying the overall colors of the photos, we achieve the effect of filling up space. The detailing on the coins also become apparent through the increased contrast, making it more visually pleasing.
 Original Photo: This photo is rather neutral on the coloring and it composition is rather decent with most of the space filled. However, the viewer will lack a point to pay attention to. Hence, added blurring is needed.
Edited Photo: Firstly, I removed the shadow on the top of the picture which draws attention away from the subject. Next, I blurred out the surroundings of the brand label to increase the focus there. Finally, the colors were modified slightly for a more intense effect.