Thursday, December 16, 2010

FLL 2010-2011

Hi people! Good to know that my blog is getting at least some hits. Today's post will be about my team's FIRST Lego League preparation so its going to be rather dry. So the initial robot was pretty much a first draft, 2 motors facing down at 90 degrees mounted onto an NXT facing towards the playing field and a third motor mounted onto the NXT straight. The reason behind the NXT facing downwards (which looks really weird) is so that I wouldn't have any problems with the 3rd motor mounted low which would aid the lowering of the bone cast. Then I started the programming which got extremely irritating to start the program. Secondly, the low center of gravity, which was supposed to be a good thing, made the robot weigh down too much, scratching the field and caused the rotations to be inaccurate. So me being me, I chose to rebuild and went back to my signature NXT mounted sideways robot which I had finished on Monday. The cast fitting could be quite a problem even though I mounted the motor downwards as seen in my last test. I will be working on it soon, probably tomorrow once I get permission from my parents to go back to the lab. So now for the hard part which is the attachment building and the programming which I suspect would turn out to be a fully hard-coded program. I will try to upload some photos too and possibly videos if I get anywhere near points on tomorrow. Meanwhile, nothing interesting really happened over the weekends. One thing that I'm really angry with right now is LG's incompetence. I sent my phone (GT540) in for servicing about 2 weeks ago and the got it "fixed". Or at least their definition of fixed. Whenever its turned on, the camera would be activated and the buttons are really loose. Conclusion? back to the service center. Anyway, I am really happy that for once, I'm not doing my holiday homework on the last day and I have actually started so kudos to me. I will have to leave now but I'll update this soon. Goodbye!

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