Saturday, December 18, 2010

End of holiday rush

Hey people, I really cannot stand Lego. Not that their software isn't good enough, I find the hardware exceptional when compared to the China made versions. It is the software that I'm frustrated about. In the beginning, I wasn't too critical because I thought the lag the occurs every time NXT-G starts was due to the old and thus slower dual core processor. After re-installing NXT-G on my new laptop a few weeks ago, I figured it had to be that the software itself was lagging. After all, I was using an Asus X42JR with an Intel i7-740QM, a 1GB ATI Mobility Radeon graphics card and 4GBs of RAM. The loading time was my biggest gripe. For a laptop that has the ability to handle Command and Conquer, HAWX, and Counter Strike smoothly, I do not see how a relatively less taxing program like NXT-G could tax the processor. Even after it has supposedly "loaded", it will show a blank windows for quite a long time before the GUI loads. When programming, the interface continues lagging, with connector wires often overlapping, making programming confusing. I can certainly tell you that even with a Chinese program like Robo Express with a slightly inferior hardware build does not lag even on a dual core processor. Moving on, my FIRST Lego League preparations have completely stagnated and the competition is approaching quick. 1 month to prepare (ruling out the week with Outward Bound School) is barely enough to finish the programming, which also means that we will not have the time to do any testing. Either ways, I will be working more on it next week (hopefully) so I hope we can produce a robot which is capable of scoring the full 400 points before school reopens. Things will be very different after school reopens with competitions like Robocup Singapore open to prepare for. Which reminds me that we will have to budget for it, again in a week. Looks like the final week of the holidays is not going to be used for unwinding yet again, or continuing to produce more Photoshop works. Alright, post again soon, bye!

Whoa Blogger is excellent too. After pressing save as draft more than 10 times, it wouldn't save. Deciding to be smart, I opened a new tab, copied the content and pasted. Guess what? It posted on the first try. Makes me wonder what the problem was.

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