Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who know binary and those who don't"

Didn't exactly do anything very interesting so I'll spare you the details and just come to the important points. So everything was all boring as I went, and messed around in City Square mall. Then while waiting for the MRT to arrive on the way back, I saw this guy wearing a cool shirt that said "There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who know binary and those who don't". Isn't it just amazing that people can come up with this kind of catchy things to put on shirts. In fact, this should be one of those Facebook groups that said 'like if you get it'. I'll see if I can get something like that on the Infocomm Club shirt next year. Then nothing unusual again until just a few moments ago. I was really bored and decided to install an older distro of Ubuntu onto my X42JR so I plugged the drive in and restarted the computer. Asus boot screen. Pressed f2. Changed boot option on BIOS. Restart. *blink blink blink* -10 minutes later- *blink blink blink*. I'm guessing that Asus does not allow you to boot from USB drive if the complaints littered all over the net are to be trusted and I think that that is seriously a waste. After all, what is a computer without 7, Ubuntu, Fedora, XP and possibly iAtkos running alongside each other? I will be trying to get the multiple boot to work soon since I am currently dual-booting Windows 7 Home Premium (with Asus bloatware) and Windows 7 Ultimate (clean install). But that is only because Windows 7 has an .exe file that comes together on the disk, much unlike Linux which does not even support .exe. So wish me good luck and hopefully, I will be posting about my successes tomorrow.
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