Saturday, December 11, 2010


Hey people! Firstly, thanks for reading my new blog which shall be dedicated to a running commentary of my life much unlike the emotional ranting seen in my previous blog which by the way, has been deleted. If you don't already know me, I am part-time student doing full time robotics, I play soccer and my ego knows no bounds. That's me in a sentence. To find out more, you can find me on Facebook by the name of Ken Chow. Currently I am working with my team on this year's edition of FIRST Lego League and progress is not too bad although we have been constantly interrupted by an over enthusiastic cleaner who insists on folding up our field and tossing it into the Robocup field. OK enough of all these techy stuff and on to soccer. Favorite team?Chelsea (even with the recent run of bad form). Anyways, just hope Ancelotti gets the team straight before the big matches coming up. Otherwise we are going to get The Descend of Great Clubs (Part 2). For myself, I play regularly (quite) and wouldn't consider myself as too bad a player. As for the dreaded part-time student part, I guess my grades would tell you that. 3.53 in Year 1, 3.4 in Year 2, which in my school (Raffles Institution) is not too good. I'm not trying to follow the footsteps of technological greats but rather let it take its own course and we'll see where I end up. I guess thats enough of me for now so I will attempt to update this regularly and hopefully become a full-time blogger on top of my other commitments. Goodbye!

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